Station 1
This station houses our administrative offices, crew quarters, training room and a majority of our apparatus. During normal business hours we are staffed with an Administrator, Fire Chief, part-time Mechanic, and an on-duty Captain. The Captains' work rotating 48 hours on / 96 hours off schedule so that someone is on duty 24/7 except for sick call and vacations. During sick and vacation calls the Chief or designee will respond from home if we are not able to obtain standby responders at the station.

The upstairs contains four bunkrooms, a kitchen, tv room, and excercise area to accomidate our career staff and shift based volunteers. During times of disaster we may increase staffing with local volunteers to improved response and resource availability
The station was built for ~$1.85 million based on a bond issue passed in 1998 by the voters of the District, this bond will be paid off in 2018. We will look to extend this bond once it is paid off so that we may start replacing our older apparatus. In 2018 our newest fire engine will be 20 years old.
Many of the District apparatus have been purchased with the aid of various grants, we will continue to pursue these grants so that we can provide the highest level of service at the lowest possible cost.
5601 Engine 1
Is a 1998 Darley, all wheel drive, Class 1 Engine. It holds 1,250 gallons of water, 20 gallons of foam and has compressed air foam capability (CAFS). The CAFS systen, combines water, foam solution and air creating a mix that has more rapid knock down of fire while using significantly less water. This is especially important in the areas that we protect that are without hydrants. The fire pump on this truck is capable of 1,250 gpm and the truck seats up to six firefighters. The truck is also equipped with a dump valve and porta-pond so that if it is not the first arriving fire engine it can dumps it's water and shuttle water back and forth to the fire scene.
5617 Squirt one
Is a 1984 American LaFrance 50' Telesqurt, it was generously donated to NFPD from Louisville Fire Deptartment. It provides greatly improved capability for responding to commerical building fires. It carries 300 gallons of water and has a 1,500 gpm pump. We have succesfully used the ladder portion on several non-fire rescues.
Is a 2006 US Tanker water tender. It is 6x6, carries 3,000 gallons of water, has a 500 gpm pump and carries suction hose and a portapond. It is our newest truck purchase, cost ~$259k, 50% of which was paid for with an assitance to firefighter grant program (AFG).
Our primary ambulance, it is licensed and fully equipped to provide Advanced Life Support (ALS) services. This particular model was partially purchased with State of Colorado EMS grant funding. It is the most used of our appartus, equipment includes a Lifepack 15 cardiac monitor/defibrillator ($~28k) and Glidescope ($16k) for advanced airway managment again partially funded with grant monies.
5624 (Rescue 12)
Our primary "Rescue Truck" and fills a multitude of roles. First and foremost it is the apparatus we use for motor vehicle crashes. It has eDraulic extrication equipment (cutters, spreaders, rams), stabilization equipment, compressed air system for running air tools and refilling SCBA bottles, a light tower and generator for emergency scene lighting, power tools and numerous hand tools. It is also equipped with low angle rope rescue equipment, surface ice rescue equipment and water rescue equipment. It carries 300 gallons of water, specialized foam for petroleum product spills and is capable of extinquishing a car fire if needed. We not only run this as a rescue truck but also as a "Truck Company" for structure fires, essentially it is our tool box on wheels, four wheel drive of course. It has a large capacity winch and numerous life safety tieoffs for doing rescue basket raises from the numerous in-creek motor vehicle accidents that we run.